Cancellation Policy

If cancelled more than 7 days prior to departure: Any insurance paid is refunded, renter is responsible for 25% of the booking total. - Less than 7 days prior to departure: Any insurance paid is refunded, renter responsible for 50% of the booking.

When a Renter makes a reservation with a departure date more than 14 days in advance, a Reservation Deposit is charged when the reservation is accepted. This charge is 25% of the full cost of the trip. Otherwise, the reservation total is charged in full.

  • Free cancellation for 24 hours after booking, as long as you cancel more than 14 days before departure.
  • If cancelled more than 7 days prior to departure: Any insurance paid is refunded, renter is responsible for 25% of the booking total.
  • Less than 7 days prior to departure: Any insurance paid is refunded, renter is responsible for 50% of the booking total.


Security Deposit

A security deposit ranging from $1,000 - $1,500 (depending on the van) is taken 2 days before your booking begins, and released 7 business days after your reservation is returned pending no issues.


Still have questions? We're happy to help! Use our contact form to send us an email or text us at +1 (424) 499-4462.